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The Director | Consultant

I am a detail-oriented, results-driven professional who specialises in Adult Community Education and Virtual Business/Consultancy Services.

As an Accredited Trainer, Assessor, and Facilitator, I deliver, train and assess VET and Non-VET courses/programs in Business Services and Business Technology.
I am familiar with the Business Services and Information/Communications Technology Training Packages, the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) and the Australian Quality Framework (AQF) requirements.

As a former CEO, Public Officer and VET Manager of a long standing Community College, I have experienced, and understand, the requirements for compliancy of a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) under the NSW Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), and the functions determined by the NSW Department of Education & Communities (DEC), and State Training Services (STS).

I have over twenty eight (28) years of proven history working within Administration and Business environments, involving a variety of skills, knowledge, and experience in a range of areas spanning from the Personal Service Industry Trades to Adult Community Education and upper EO Management.

My involvement in the Adult Community Education and Training sector has spanned more than twenty (20) years, and during that time I have continued to expand upon my knowledge, and have further improved and added to my skill-set in terms of both capability and insight, and new experiences.

As a professional my aspiration has always been to continue to enhance my work opportunities, combine my formal knowledge with past skills and life experiences, and provide the opportunity to help others to achieve their goals.

The Business

I initially established a part/time service in 1990 when evening / community colleges began to come into their own as 'respected' formal providers of vocational training.
It was a time when Industry Experienced operators were highly sought after and valued as educators, to improve the skills of the workforce and move forward with the new technology of the time.

'Word Impressions' became formally registered in 1998 as an owner operated sole trader business, providing Business & I.T Training and office support services, while still operating on a part/time level.

The business now provides, and leans more towards ‘Virtual Services’ which includes both Office Administration and Vocational Training & Compliance Support.

Each business contract or training program I undertake is considered a new and individual challenge, which enables me to reflect upon enhancements in my skills, and in all other projects at the same time.

Virtual Administration | Training Services

As an Administrator I provide professional administrative and office support services via distance & on-line management, telephone service, or on a personal face-to-face arrangement at your convenience.

The Virtual Office is available to provide assistance to any business, organisation, tradesperson, or individuals etc.. who have a project need such as is listed in common articles | services...

As a Vocational Educator I can provide/deliver training & assessment, offer guidance, design, develop and provide resource materials, develop and/or contextualise Assessment Tools, and participate in Validations, Moderations, and Internal RTO Audits.

My experience in Training and Assessment of competence ranges from AQF levels I to V. and includes areas in Business Services, Business Technology, personal services trades such as in Medical, Natural Therapies, Hairdressing etc,

With the experience gained over many years whilst working with computer networks in several business environments, I have developed a strong proficiency in Microsoft applications and Windows platforms.
These skills are transferable both in the Training and Administration environments.

Challenge me with your 'Projects' and put my skills to work for 'You'..


Professional Documents Links

Professional Matrix
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CV Summary

My Journey | Inspirations

I moved into the adult world to start on a new journey in the week I turned 15. Couldn’t wait to start my new life!. an apprentice in the Hair & Beauty Industry. I loved this world, so different from school days and duties on the farm that I had grown up in. I was eager to learn everything, and encouraged to enter Trade Competitions, won several prizes & trophies, and like most young professionals of the time, performed the tasks allocated to me without question.

As time passed, I realised that I was working more for others and less for myself. I began to notice that, at any given point of time, there was more that converged upon my workload than I could foresee. I realised quickly that the key for me was to learn and gain as much experience as I could across the board & in my field. So that the services I eventually wanted to provide in my own future business must include various areas of expertise.

I soon started to seek out and learn about other professional / personal services that were related to my core experience & knowledge, and began to find ways to improve each by enhancing the other. In due course, my basket of knowledge began to fill and led to other avenues - particularly my practical need for business and computing skills.

The universe has a way of stepping in when things don’t quite pan out as you hoped. My journey was changing, with young children and alone, I had to move in a different direction. New Technology sparked a huge interest in me, it wouldn’t only enhance my business, but also satisfied some of my creative abilities.

My interest in Adult Education came to the fore through short courses I attended in a local community college, and later followed up with TAFE study. But, frustration set in..I wasn't able to easily access further information or there wern't enough suitable resources to use for my current need.

A chance meeting with my former teacher and an informal interview with the College Principal began my next career journey into Adult Education. After that, well, there were a few 'hiccups' along the way, but there was no stopping me . . .and I, eventually became that College Principal..

Ms Sonia I. E. Dal Bon (Mort)

Further Information

I have extensive life skills, knowledge, and a varied repertoire of personal experiences, however, should you require assistance that I am unable to provide, I may have suitable contacts available for your needs.

All enquiries are welcome. Please email: services@wordimpressions.com.au for a quick reply.


All content within © 2014 Word Impressions | ABN 82 112 133 849
Enquiries to services@wordimpressions.com.au | PO Box 160 Blacktown NSW 2148

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Jobs | Projects | Assignments
Digital Archiving
File Conversions
Training & Assessment Services
Private Tuition
Administration Documents
Training Resources


Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
NSW Dept. of Education & Communities (DEC)
Training.Gov.au (TGA)
State Training Services (STS)
Innovation & Business Skills Australia (IBSA)
NSW Adult Literacy & Numeracy Council (ALNC)
Aust.Gov. Department of Human Services (DSS)
Aust. Council for Private Education & Training (ACPET)

Website designed by Virtual Office Assignments