WORD IMPRESSIONS provides two distinct services representing a Vocational 'Adult Educator', and 'Virtual Office' Administrator.
Of the major services provided by the business, Vocational Education - Training & Assessment has been the longest in operation.
The Adult Educator formally established a part/time service in 1990 when evening colleges began to come into their own as formal providers of vocational training. ‘Industry Experienced’ operators were highly sought after and valued as educators, to improve the skills of the workforce and move forward with the new technologys of the time.
Business Services | Training
The Trainer/Assessor (Adult Educator) holds the mandatory TAE qualifications, with over 22 years’ experience in adult community education and professional services with particular interest in Business Administration and related Business Technology.
The Educational aspect of the business provides Training and Assessment Services in Adult and Community Education, delivering both Vocational (accredited) and non-vocational training - the major focus being in Business Administration & Technology streams as per 'Business Services Training Package' requirements from Beginner to Diploma (advanced) levels.
Subjects other than traditional business services include those such as: Customer Services skills adapted for various trades, Foundation skills incorporating the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), also being suitable for migrant learners and persons preparing to enter the workforce. 'Personal Presentation' and 'Leisure & Lifestyle' courses, which can be catered for upon discussion.
Training can be delivered in a variety of ways and adapted to suit the organisation or individual's needs and available venues.
The Adult Educator is available to provide/deliver training & assessment services through RTO's and educational providers within the Western Sydney LGA's. For initial contact or more detailed information, please direct your enquiry by email to: training@wordimpressions.com.au
Training & Assessment Services provided either through an RTO, TAFE college, School, Community Group, Corporate organisation etc... is generally undertaken on-site in a face-to-face, classroom or workshop type environment. Individual one-on-one tuition for accreditation can also be supported through RTO's, as is the option via 'Distance' On-line study which provides mentoring and support to the learner.
Private Tuition can be arranged for those individuals who would like to improve their personal skills or job opportunities but are not interested in attending a formal institution.
Individual or private tuition enables you to learn just what interests you, without having to go through an unnecessary long-term program where subjects don't relate to your current need.
You might just need a refresher on certain skills because you're returning to the workforce after a break, or had a change in your current employment. It might be that your workplace have updated their software version and you dont feel as confident with the new layout, and would like a short overview.
As a qualified Educator, it might just be a service I can provide you.. or your business... Of course, conditions do apply - such as your location or distance to travel, faciities available etc.,
Don't be afraid to ask! send an email or make the call, I may be able to help you resolve the situation!
See Contact information...
Administration Support | Services in Education
The Vocational Educator can offer guidance, design, develop and provide resource materials, develop and/or contextualise Assessment Tools, and participate in Validations/Moderations, and Internal RTO Audits.
Experience in Training and Assessment of competence ranges from AQF levels I to V. and includes areas in Business Services, Business Technology, personal services trades such as in Medical, Natural Therapies, Hairdressing etc,
With the experience gained over many years whilst working with various computer networks in several business environments, the vocational Educator/Admininstrator has developed a strong proficiency in Microsoft applications and Windows platforms. These skills are transferable both in the Training and Administration environments.
Under practical conditions the RTO will generally provide all or most training resources, materials and equipment required for course delivery by Trainers, including all resources needed for the learners.
Commercial Training resources/manuals can be made available through the Word Impressions Trainer/Assessor, under a financial agreement.
Standard material can also be developed to suit the subject matter on behalf of the educational provider under the same agreement.
The vocational trainer generally provides a selection of relevant handouts (either commercial copy or personally developed) as a normal part of the service.
All materials, resources; training manuals; developed by the trainer/assessor for the contracted training and/or facilitation services, remains the 'intellectual' property of Word Impressions, unless a prior arrangement has been made upon engagement.
Assessment Tools:
If unavailable, assessment tools can be developed to suit the content and learning levels, or alternatively, existing material or commercial resources can be contextualized/modified to suit the need.
The Vocational Educator - in the role of Trainer/Assessor - participates in validation sessions, moderation meetings, and internal audits.
See more on training & compliance services: Compliance Support
Further Information
The Vocational Educator has extensive life skills, knowledge, and a varied repertoire of personal experiences, however, should you require assistance which cannot be provided, a suitable alternative contact may be available for your needs.
All training or services enquiries are welcome. Please email: training@wordimpressions.com.au or services@wordimpressions.com.au for a quick reply.