Business and Vocational Compliance
Compliance in the business of education is an all important issue and is never far from any administrators mind. The RTO must demonstrate compliance with the VET Quality Framework in all areas of its operation.
The person who undertakes the role of compliance officer must ensure that the daily operations of the organisation are meeting the standards, policies and laws that govern their industry. The documentation process must be kept current, is reliable, authentic and valid in it’s content.
The educational provider must show continuous improvement in its operations and professional development of its staff and vocational trainers/assessors.
Compliance in Training
Relates to the administration, the delivery of training & assessment processes, and formal requirements & guidelines as outlined within the curriculum and relevant training packages.
Being compliant in its processess is crucial to the training providers continuing existance. It includes such requirements as the trainers vocational Currency & Competency, Currency of resources, Validity of Assessment Tools/criteria, Authenticity & Suficiency of work produced for evaluation, and Reporting and Recording of outcomes & credentials.
Conducting regular internal Audits of all processes enables the provider to identify any gaps which may have surfaced.
Administration Services | Commpliance Support
With the experience gained in the educational sector as a former CEO/Public Officer & VET Manager of a long standing Registered Training Organisation (RTO), your Virtual Admininstrator/Consultant understands the requirements for compliancy under the NSW Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), and the functions determined by the NSW Department of Education & Communities (DEC), and State Training Services (STS).
As a Trainer/Assessor, the mandatory TAE qualifications are held and current, and show relevance to more than 22 years experience in Adult Community Education and professional services in Business Administration & Technology.
The Virtual Administrator/Consultant can provide compliance support to the RTO's VET & LLN teams, either via 'distance' On-line management or telephone service, at your convenience.
While On-site support may be available, conditions do apply where distance and venue location are an issue.
All Projects or Jobs of Work, are accepted via a number of, electronically, by post, courier etc, ...
see options in Virtual Services, How do I get my jobs to the virtual office..,
Administration Documents:
General Administrative documents, templates, forms etc.., requiring revision and/or update - for compliance and in-house use.
Policy documents and Procedures manuals - requiring review or customisation.
Flyers, Adverts, monthly staff Newsletters etc - including your images & regulatory logos/content etc,.
Learning portfolios, training manuals - for revison or developed from new content.
Scanning of existing documents, records, certificates - for digital storage or archiving.
Training Resources:
The RTO or Trainer may have a number of resources which, while still useful and in good condition, contain portions of information that is dated or not relevant to the current subject offered.
Training resources of this nature can be customised to suit the current need.
PDF documents can be converted to text format for editing and new design layout.
New material - using your ideas and images - can be developed to suit the subject matter.
Your Logo's, business information and regulatory content can be included in all material as required.
Assessment Tools:
Assessment Tools and practical tasks must relate to the content being delivered and should match, within reason, the critera the learner has studied or will encounter in the 'real world'.
Assessment Tools and related tasks can be developed to suit the content and learning levels being delivered.
Existing material or commercial resources can be contextualized/modified, or revised as needed.
Formal documents prepared in your 'style format' incl..your Logo's & regulatory content etc,.
The Virtual Administrator/Consultant - in the role of Trainer/Assessor, is available to participate in Validation of existing and new assessment tools & Moderation meetings.
While On-site, telephone or email support may be available, some 'conditions' do apply where distance and venue location are an issue. All options open for consideration.
With constant changes put forward by the educational bodies and the need for continuous improvement, remaining compliant is always at the top of the agenda.
The Virtual Administrator, with the knowledge base of an Educator may be available to participate, or provide a contact who can help in the internal auditing process of course materials.
Submissions / Registration:
The Virtual Administrator has former experience with the re-registration process of an RTO and is willing to assist where possible in this area.
Preparation of, and/or assistance with funding submissions and 'Community Service Obligation Programs' may be available upon discussion.
See more on the Virtual Office support services: Common Assignments | Virtual Services
Additional Information
The Vocational Educator has extensive life skills, knowledge, and a varied repertoire of personal experiences, however, should you require assistance which cannot be provided, a suitable alternative contact may be available for your needs.