Word Impressi
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Word Impressions provides two distinct services, representing a Virtual Office Administrator and Vocational Adult Educator
Recognised and active since 1998, Word Impressions is an owner operated, registered Australian Business.
Major services provided by the business are:

  • Virtual Office Administration and Support
  • Vocational Education - Training & Assessment | Compliance Services
  • With a long proven history working within Administration and Business environments, combining more than twenty years involvement within Adult Community Education, and as a former Executive Officer and Vocational Training Manager, the 'Virtual Consultant' is able to provide a wide range of services to meet a variety of professional and everyday administrative needs.

    Virtual Office/Administration

    provides professional office & administrative support services via distance, on-line management, telephone or face-to-face arrangement at your convenience.

    Your Virtual Administrator / Consultant can be engaged by a business of any calibre (small business / sole trader, tradesperson, corporate organisation, etc.), or individual persons and small groups such as students, professionals, homemakers, community group, and others. Services can be provided either on a regular basis, as need required, or a once only situation.

    All work is undertaken by an experienced operator, all contracts are considered important and given a position of priority according to timeframe. The content is treated with professional confidentiality, and quoted according to individual assignments.

    All types of admin jobs are accepted, from a single one page handwritten text for typing, to large complex legal documents for editing and design, or documents scanned to file, named and stored on your preferred medium.

    See more on administrative services: Virtual Office | Common Assignments

    Vocational Education - Training

    provides Training and Assessment services in Adult & Community Education, delivering both vocational (accredited) and non-vocational training.

    The Trainer/Assessor holds the mandatory TAE qualifications, with over 20 years’ of experience in adult & community education and professional services with particular interest in Business Administration & Technology streams, as per 'Business Services Training Package' requirements.

    Specialised training and/or courses can be adapted to suit the organisation and it's level of requirement for either an individual or group's needs (beginner to advanced), and available venues.

    Accredited Training & Assessment services are provided by contract through a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or TAFE College as per NSW Department of Education (Training) & Communities (DEC) & Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) requirements.

    Training can be delivered to Community groups or Corporate organisations in a face-to-face/workshop environment, individual one-on-one tuition or via 'distance' On-Line study providing mentoring and support to the learner.

    Compliance in Training

    relates to the varying changes and need for continuous improvement in the delivery of training, the administration processes and the formal requirements / guidelines as outlined within the curriculum and relevant training packages.

    It concerns such areas as the trainer/assessor's vocational Competency, Currency of resources, Validity of Assessment Tools, Reporting and Recording of outcomes, internal Auditing processes and more..

    The Virtual Administrator, with the knowledge base of an Educator can provide assistance with the necessary documentation and participate in the validation and internal auditing process of course materials.

    See more on educational services: Vocational Training | Compliance Support

    For an expanded look at each area of service, follow the links in the menu above, and throughout this site.

    Additional information can be found through the quick links below in ..
    Common Assignments, Vocational | Compliance Services, and External Services ....

    Contact Sonia to discuss your Virtual Office or Educational needs on: 0415 928 375

    All content within © 2014 Word Impressions | ABN 82 112 133 849
    Enquiries to services@wordimpressions.com.au | PO Box 160 Blacktown NSW 2148

    Word Impressions Logo

    Jobs | Projects | Assignments
    Typing from copy
    Excel Workbooks | Spreadsheets
    Formatting or Document Layout
    Digital Archiving
    File Conversions
    Presentation | Printing


    Training & Assessment Services
    Private Tuition
    Assessment Tools
    Administration Documents
    Training Resources


    Australia Post
    TNT Express Courier
    DHL (Australia wide Courier)
    CouriersPlease (Aust.wide)
    Fastway Couriers (Aust.wide)
    FedEx Express
    Dropbox - Free file sharing application

    Website designed by Virtual Office Assignments